
Premier League revealed this week the distribution of revenues from television rights to the clubs that participated in the last edition of Barclays Premier League.
In 2012/2013, Manchester United became the champion receiving the highest amount ever (about 71 million).
The ratio between the amounts received by Manchester United and Queens Park Rangers, ranked last, was only 1.46. The proportion of the total amount received by each club, varied between 4.1% and 6.3% showing a significant equality in income distribution.
The distribution model adopted in England is based on the following points: 50% of the revenues generated in the United Kingdom are divided equally between all clubs (16.1 million Euros per club), 25% is based on the performance of the teams (the champions receives 20 times the value of the last placed), and 25% is distributed according to the TV ratings and the number of games broadcasted on TV in the United Kingdom (there is a minimum of ten games). International revenues are shared equally by all clubs (22.1 million Euros per club).
Despite their worst table position, Arsenal and Tottenham have received larger amounts comparing to Chelsea since their games were more often broadcasted live in the United Kingdom.
However, these values ​​will increase significantly as it is expected that Premier League’s revenues, for the next three seasons, will grow to about 6.4 billion Euros (more 2.3 billion than the previous contract). In this sense, it is projected the champion will be able to receive about 117 million Euros and the last placed around 74 million Euros.
(Amounts in Euros)
[table id=229 /]
Note: Exchange Rate May 22, 2013: 1 GBP = 1,16684 EUR
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Currently, football clubs attract revenue through their shirts in two ways:
1. Brand that produces the kit (Adidas, Nike, etc..);
2. Sponsor with its logo in the center of the shirt.
The present ranking focuses on the second point. However, regarding the first one, at the moment, Real Madrid has the most valuable contract receiving, on average, 31.5 million Euros per year from Adidas.
In July 2012, Manchester United agreed a deal for seven years with Chevrolet with the amount of 430 million Euros setting a new record. The English club has been the one that has better explored this revenue stream being in negotiations with Nike to improve their current contract, which will probably become the highest one.
According to Forbes, although Real Madrid is the most valuable club, it only has the fifth highest shirt sponsorship. However, the Spanish club is in negotiations with Emirates which will certainly raise the current amount.
[table id=191 /]
Notes: (1) The 10-year contract between Manchester City and Etihad (491.2 million Euros) and the 5-year contract between Arsenal and Emirates (184.2 million Euros) were not included since they also comprise the naming rights of the stadium and their values are not public; (2) Exchange Rate April 26, 2013: 1 USD = 0.767430 EUR; (3) Amounts rounded to the hundreds of thousands.
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PARTE 2 – ANÁLISE GLOBAL (Continuação)
3.Ranking por tipo de receita
Analisando as receitas dos clubes que fizeram parte do Top 20 da Deloitte Football Money League 2013 por tipo de receita (bilheteira, direitos tv e comerciais), verifica-se que o Real Madrid liderou as receitas de bilheteira e direitos televisivos em 2011/2012 mas o Bayern Munich alcançou receitas comerciais mais elevadas. É também relevante salientar a maior importância dos clubes ingleses nas receitas de bilheteira surgindo o Manchester United e o Arsenal à frente de clubes como o Barcelona, o Bayern Munich e o AC Milan.
[table id=19 /]
Comparando os anos de 2005 e 2013, nos casos em que é possível, denota-se, por exemplo, que a evolução do Manchester United se deveu maioritariamente ao crescimento das suas receitas comerciais tendo o mesmo sucedido no caso do Barcelona e do Manchester City.
[table id=20 /]
Nota: Em 2005 a Deloitte optou por apresentar conjuntamente as receitas de bilheteira e direitos televisivos do Bayern Munich.
4.Peso dos primeiros do ranking no total de receitas e diferença entre o primeiro e último classificados
O peso dos primeiros clubes do ranking face às receitas totais dos 20 clubes tem vindo a aumentar. Exemplo disso é o Real Madrid que em 2005 era responsável por 8% das receitas e em 2013 por 11% observando-se uma maior polarização mesmo entre os clubes que compõem o ranking da Deloitte.
Esta situação é também verificada através da diferença entre as receitas do primeiro e último classificados. Enquanto que em 2005 o 20º e último classificado (Aston Villa) apresentava 33% das receitas do primeiro (Manchester United), em 2013 o Newcastle United apenas conseguiu gerar 22% das receitas alcançadas pelo líder Real Madrid.
[table id=21 /]
Ir para Deloitte Football Money League 2005-2013 – Parte 3

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